
Celebrate both your achievements and your aspirations

Irrespective of what you have been able to achieve yet, and irrespective of where you have been able to reach in your journey, today is the day to celebrate, to celebrate both your achievements and your aspirations alike...

Imagine how celebrating Diwali would be like on a full moon day... Doesn't sound exciting enough, certainly... It's the darkness that adds to the beauty and the charm of the festival of lights. In fact, it is celebrated on the darkest day of the year... So no matter how bleak the things look currently, no matter how dark it may seem to be at the moment, remind yourself there's gonna be light at the end of the tunnel. And that light will look beautiful, very beautiful, more beautiful than anything you have ever seen before. 😊

Drop everything and celebrate, because festivals are not just about celebrating victory, they are about celebrating your aspirations and the merit within you...

Happy Diwali! :)