
Do not be scared of the big stage

Congratulations to all those who made it... Well done! We are proud of you :)

Ignore anybody who tried to scare you by saying how difficult it is to survive in SBI. Thank them for the concern, and tell them you already know that and are 100% confident you will be able to rise to the challenge :)

This is what you had been trying to achieve for a long time, and here you are... If anything, feel ecstatic about it. Think of a Ranji player about to make an international debut. Should he be scared of what lies ahead or feel excited about the opportunity which only a handful of them get? What feeling do you think will see him through...

Don't forget you have made it leaving behind thousands of extremely talented people. Pat yourself on the back. Enjoy the moment. You deserve it.

Wish you good luck for a bright future. Keep up the good work. Keep shining!